\r\n Copyright © Education Service Center Region 13 and\r\n
Public Impact\r\n
\r\n Copyright © Education Service Center Region 13 and\r\n Public Impact\r\n
\r\n\r\n The survey report provides turnaround school leaders with insights into their leader actions and competencies from colleagues they interact with in\r\n a variety of professional settings, and the accompanying Facilitator's Guide and Participant Workbook suggest ways to use that information to craft\r\n personalized development goals.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Download an abbreviated sample version of the Turnaround Leader 360 Feedback Assessment report.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Download Overview Transcript\r\n
\r\n\r\n Download Leader Transcript\r\n
\r\n\r\n Download Responder Transcript\r\n
\r\n\r\n Although the T360 is primarily focused on Turnaround Leadership and School Improvement, the assessment is fully aligned with both the\r\n Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System (T-PESS) and\r\n The Effective Schools Framework (ESF).\r\n Download this PDF\r\n for complete details on how the Turnaround Leader Competencies align with T-PESS Indicators as well as ESF Essential Actions.\r\n
\r\nTurnaround Leader 360 Feedback Assessment Guidance
\r\nEducation Service Center Region 13
\r\n \r\n \r\nTurnaround Leader Action Clusters
\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n If you have technical questions or questions about the process or content of the assessment, please contact us at:\r\n
\r\n TurnaroundLeader360-support@esc13.txed.net\r\n
{{ warning }}
\r\n0\" v-bind:class=\"[(searchUserFail==true) ? 'warning' : 'notice']\">{{ searchMessage }}
\r\nName | \r\nRole | \r\nUsername | \r\nPurchaser / Leader | \r\nSeats Left | \r\nAccount Created | \r\nActions | \r\n||||
{{ user.fullName }} | \r\n{{ user.role }} | \r\n{{ user.username }} | \r\n{{ user.username }} | \r\n{{ user.email }} | \r\n{{ user.purchaser }} | \r\n{{ user.leader }} | \r\n{{ user.seatsRemaining }} of {{ user.seatsPurchased }} | \r\n\r\n | {{ user.dateCreated }} | \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n | \r\n
Send a reminder email to {{ activeFullName }} and extend deadline?
\r\n \r\n \r\nReset the password for {{ activeFullName }}?
\r\n \r\n \r\nReset the password for {{ activeFullName }}?
\r\n \r\n \r\nAre you sure you want to delete {{ activeFullName }} from the system?
\r\n \r\n \r\nSeats for {{ activeFullName }}'s current session:
\r\n\r\n {{ seatsRemaining }} of\r\n \r\n used\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\nCreate NEW session for {{ activeFullName }}:
\r\n\r\n \r\n seats\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n0\">{{ manageMessage }}
\r\n\r\n0\" v-bind:class=\"[(purchaserFail==true) ? 'warning' : 'notice']\">{{ purchaserMessage }}
\r\n{{ leaderMessage }}
\r\n0\" v-bind:class=\"[actionFail ? 'warning' : 'notice']\">{{ actionMessage }}
\r\n\r\nLeader | \r\nUsername | \r\nToken | \r\nAccount Created | \r\nActions | \r\n|
{{ leader.fullName }} | \r\n{{ leader.username }} | \r\n{{ leader.email }} | \r\n{{ leader.ldrToken }} | \r\n{{ leader.dateCreated }} | \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n | \r\n
Reset the password for {{ activeFullName }}?
\r\n \r\n \r\nAre you sure you want to force the report for {{ activeFullName }}?
\r\n \r\n \r\n0\" v-bind:class=\"[actionFail ? 'warning' : 'notice']\">{{ actionMessage }}
\r\nParticipants | \r\n% Complete | \r\nActions | \r\n\r\n | Last Emailed | \r\nSurvey End | \r\n
Leader | \r\n\r\n | \r\n | \r\n | \r\n | \r\n |
{{ survey.fullName }} {{ survey.email }} | \r\n{{ Math.round(survey.progressPercent) }}% | \r\n\r\n \r\n | \r\n\r\n \r\n | \r\n{{ survey.lastEmailed }} | \r\n{{ survey.surveyEnd }} | \r\n
There are no leaders assigned. | \r\n|||||
Supervisor | \r\n\r\n | \r\n | \r\n | \r\n | \r\n |
{{ survey.fullName }} {{ survey.email }} | \r\n{{ Math.round(survey.progressPercent) }}% | \r\n\r\n \r\n | \r\n\r\n \r\n | \r\n{{ survey.lastEmailed }} | \r\n{{ survey.surveyEnd }} | \r\n
There are no supervisors assigned. | \r\n|||||
Teachers and Staff | \r\n\r\n | \r\n | \r\n | \r\n | \r\n |
{{ survey.fullName }} {{ survey.email }} | \r\n{{ Math.round(survey.progressPercent) }}% | \r\n\r\n \r\n | \r\n\r\n \r\n | \r\n{{ survey.lastEmailed }} | \r\n{{ survey.surveyEnd }} | \r\n
There are no teachers assigned. | \r\n|||||
Leadership Team Members | \r\n\r\n | \r\n | \r\n | \r\n | \r\n |
{{ survey.fullName }} {{ survey.email }} | \r\n{{ Math.round(survey.progressPercent) }}% | \r\n\r\n \r\n | \r\n\r\n \r\n | \r\n{{ survey.lastEmailed }} | \r\n{{ survey.surveyEnd }} | \r\n
There are no leadership team members assigned. | \r\n
{{ message }}
\r\nReset the password for {{ activeFullName }}?
\r\n \r\n \r\n{{ inviteText }} {{ activeFullName }}?
\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n Please choose people who you believe will be honest, objective, and balanced in describing you. These should be people who know you and your work well enough to be useful in their feedback. You should invite 10 to 16 individuals to participate in the survey with a goal of having a minimum of 10 respondents for the feedback report.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Use this link or the button at the bottom of the page to enter the response group designation and e-mail addresses for your responders.\r\n
\r\n\r\n In order to preserve anonymity, at least three individuals must respond to the survey so that feedback will be presented as a separate response group (i.e. "Teachers and Staff" or "Leadership Team Members"). Otherwise, their responses will be calculated in the "Composite" score.\r\n
\r\nYour leader token is: {{ leaderToken }}
\r\n You can give this token to participants after you add them here.\r\n{{ inviteMessage }}
\r\nRole | \r\nFull Name | \r\nActions | \r\n|
Supervisor | \r\n\r\n | \r\n | \r\n |
\r\n | {{ supervisor.fullName }} | \r\n{{ supervisor.email }} | \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n | \r\n
Teachers | \r\n\r\n | \r\n | \r\n |
\r\n | {{ t.fullName }} | \r\n{{ t.email }} | \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n | \r\n
Leadership Team | \r\n\r\n | \r\n | \r\n |
\r\n | {{ l.fullName }} | \r\n{{ l.email }} | \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n | \r\n
{{ warningText }}
\r\n{{ textMessage }}
\r\nDelete {{ fullName }}?
\r\n \r\n \r\nChoose a new role for {{ fullName }}:
\r\n \r\n\r\n You have already completed this survey. Thank you for taking the time to do so.\r\n
\r\n Your responses will provide valuable assistance to {{ $store.state.leaderFullName }} at {{ leaderSchool }}.\r\n
\r\n The deadline for this survey has already expired.\r\n
\r\n Thank you for supporting the Turnaround Leader 360 Feedback Program.\r\n
\r\n This questionnaire is specifically tailored for {{ responderRole }}s\r\n to provide feedback to {{ $store.state.leaderFullName }} at {{ leaderSchool }}.\r\n
\r\n The report provides a comprehensive but anonymous picture on the leader actions and competencies of {{ $store.state.leaderFullName }}.\r\n
\r\n You have been chosen to provide feedback because, as a {{ responderRole == 'leadership team' ? 'leadership team member' : responderRole }}, you are familiar with how he/she works.\r\n
\r\n In order to be most helpful to {{ $store.state.leaderFullName }}, please answer the questions that follow in a completely candid manner, without being unduly critical or uncritical.\r\n
\r\n Unless you are the supervisor to this individual, your reply is anonymous.\r\n Questionnaire responses/scores are averaged with at least three people in your response category (e.g. teacher, leadership team).\r\n Narrative comments are presented in random order to provide confidentiality and anonymity.\r\n
\r\n\r\n If you are the supervisor to this individual, your responses are not anonymous since supervisor responses are displayed as a separate response category.\r\n
\r\n\r\n If you are the subject of this questionnaire, you will assess yourself. This will provide you with a valuable point of comparison to the responses of others.\r\n
\r\n \r\n\r\n For most questions, you will be asked to indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree that the statements are an accurate description of {{ $store.state.leaderFullName }}.\r\n
\r\n Your choice of responses ranges from a \"1\" (which means that you strongly disagree) to an \"8\" (which means that you strongly agree).\r\n
\r\n Comment boxes are provided for each question if you want to provide {{ $store.state.leaderFullName }} with more information to assist with their growth and development.\r\n
\r\n If you don't believe you have enough information to respond to a particular statement, choose \"N/A - not enough information\".\r\n
\r\n You also have an opportunity to provide narrative answers to a couple of questions at the end of the questionnaire.\r\n All comments will be combined with those from other respondents. They won't be linked to your name.\r\n Since they will be provided verbatim, you may protect your anonymity by not writing in a recognizable style and avoiding details that are unique to you.\r\n
\r\n\r\n \r\n When you are ready to begin the survey, click on the {{ btnText }} button. You can save and exit the survey at any time and resume later.\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree that the statements which follow are an accurate description of\r\n you.\r\n {{ $store.state.leaderFullName }}.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.\r\n
\r\n Your responses will be used in conjunction with your participants' scores in order to provide assistance with your growth and development as a leader.\r\n
\r\n Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your responses will provide valuable assistance to {{ $store.state.leaderFullName }} at {{ leaderSchool }}.\r\n
\r\n We are committed to keeping your responses confidential and providing them to {{ $store.state.leaderFullName }} to support his/her growth and development as a leader.\r\n
Leader | \r\n\r\n | Role | \r\nProgress | \r\nInitial Date | \r\nDeadline Date | \r\nExtension Date | \r\nReport Forced Date | \r\n
{{ participant.fullName }} | \r\n{{ participant.email }} | \r\n{{ participant.role }} | \r\n{{ participant.progressPercent }}% | \r\n{{ participant.initialDate }} | \r\n{{ participant.deadlineDate }} | \r\n{{ participant.extensionDate }} | \r\n{{ participant.forcedDate }} | \r\n
Participants | \r\n\r\n | \r\n | \r\n | \r\n | \r\n | \r\n | \r\n |
{{ participant.fullName }} | \r\n{{ participant.email }} | \r\n{{ participant.role }} | \r\n{{ participant.progressPercent }}% | \r\n{{ participant.initialDate }} | \r\n{{ participant.deadlineDate }} | \r\n{{ participant.extensionDate }} | \r\n{{ participant.forcedDate }} | \r\n
{{ participant.fullName }} | \r\n{{ participant.email }} | \r\n{{ participant.role }} | \r\n{{ participant.progressPercent }}% | \r\n{{ participant.initialDate }} | \r\n{{ participant.deadlineDate }} | \r\n{{ participant.extensionDate }} | \r\n{{ participant.forcedDate }} | \r\n
\r\n The turnaround leader 360 feedback tool is designed to provide formative, development feedback on\r\n the extent to which you have demonstrated research-based\r\n turnaround leader actions and turnaround leader competencies.\r\n This report is based entirely on the responses to the online questionnaire and is\r\n primarily organized by turnaround leader action clusters. The six action clusters collectively include the\r\n 14 leader actions identified through cross-sector research on successful turnarounds. Each action\r\n cluster is associated with a set of three primary leader competencies. These underlying competencies\r\n are traits that support the consistent implementation of the turnaround leader actions.
\r\n\r\n This report provides different views of the survey response data, including responses to Likert scale\r\n questions and free-response, narrative comments. The report provides average scores across leader\r\n action clusters and competencies and also provides data on the specific questions from the survey. You\r\n will also find average responses broken down by the respondent groups (e.g. supervisor, self, staff,\r\n leadership team members). To preserve anonymity, at least three raters are required within each\r\n respondent group in order to present results separately. Responses to narrative questions are included\r\n verbatim in the report and often provide insightful, concrete examples of the leader actions and\r\n competencies assessed in the quantitative scores.\r\n
Page | \r\nReport View | \r\nDescription | \r\n
2 | \r\nOverview of Leader Action Cluster Scores | \r\nComposite ratings for each of the six turnaround leader action clusters by respondent group | \r\n
3-8 | \r\nRatings on Leader Action Cluster Scores | \r\nComposite ratings for specific survey questions by turnaround leader action cluster | \r\n
9-10 | \r\nRatings on Primary Leadership Competencies | \r\nComposite ratings for turnaround leadership competency survey questions | \r\n
11-12 | \r\nStrengths and Development Opportunities | \r\nTop 5 highest and lowest rated turnaround leader actions, based on average scores across all respondents | \r\n
13 | \r\nUnexpected Strengths and Blind Spots | \r\nTop rated actions (strengths) and low rated actions (blind spots) where your self-assessment rating was significantly higher or lower than your overall score | \r\n
14+ | \r\nNarrative Responses | \r\nVerbatim responses to narrative questions on top 3 leadership strengths and development opportunities | \r\n
A.1 | \r\nAppendix | \r\nSchool Turnaround Leader Competencies | \r\n
A.2 | \r\nAppendix | \r\nSchool Turnaround Leader Actions | \r\n
A.3 | \r\nAppendix | \r\nTurnaround Leader Action Clusters and Primary Competencies | \r\n
A.4 | \r\nAppendix | \r\nTurnaround Leader 360 Participants | \r\n
\r\n For maximum benefit, use the feedback from this report to create your own development plan.\r\n The Turnaround Leader 360 Feedback Assessment: Personal Development Plan Workbook\r\n provides more detailed guidance to create your personalized plan, but key steps include:
\r\n | \r\n \r\n||
\r\n | \r\n ||
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\r\n | \r\n \r\n | \r\n \r\n | \r\n
\r\n | \r\n | \r\n |
\r\n |
\r\n | \r\n \r\n||
\r\n | \r\n ||
\r\n | \r\n \r\n||
\r\n | \r\n ||
\r\n | \r\n | \r\n |
\r\n | \r\n \r\n||
\r\n | \r\n ||
\r\n | \r\n \r\n||
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\r\n | \r\n \r\n||
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\r\n | \r\n \r\n||
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\r\n | \r\n \r\n||
\r\n | \r\n ||
\r\n | \r\n | \r\n |
\r\n | \r\n | \r\n |
\r\n | \r\n |
Leader Action Clusters | \r\nYour 5 Highest Rated Actions | \r\nSupervisor | \r\nTeachers/Staff | \r\nLeadership Team | \r\nSelf | \r\nComposite | \r\n
{{ strength.label }} | \r\n{{ strength.num }}. {{ qText[strength.num-1] }} | \r\n{{ superScores[strength.num-1] > 0 ? superScores[strength.num-1] : \"N/A\" }} | \r\n{{ teacherScores[strength.num-1] > 0 ? teacherScores[strength.num-1] : \"N/A\" }} | \r\n{{ leadershipScores[strength.num-1] > 0 ? leadershipScores[strength.num-1] : \"N/A\" }} | \r\n{{ selfScores[strength.num-1] > 0 ? selfScores[strength.num-1] : \"N/A\" }} | \r\n{{ compositeScores[strength.num-1] > 0 ? compositeScores[strength.num-1] : \"N/A\" }} | \r\n
Leader Action Clusters | \r\nYour 5 Lowest Rated Actions | \r\nSupervisor | \r\nTeachers/Staff | \r\nLeadership Team | \r\nSelf | \r\nComposite | \r\n
{{ opp.label }} | \r\n{{ opp.num }}. {{ qText[opp.num-1] }} | \r\n{{ superScores[opp.num-1] > 0 ? superScores[opp.num-1] : \"N/A\" }} | \r\n{{ teacherScores[opp.num-1] > 0 ? teacherScores[opp.num-1] : \"N/A\" }} | \r\n{{ leadershipScores[opp.num-1] > 0 ? leadershipScores[opp.num-1] : \"N/A\" }} | \r\n{{ selfScores[opp.num-1] > 0 ? selfScores[opp.num-1] : \"N/A\" }} | \r\n{{ compositeScores[opp.num-1] > 0 ? compositeScores[opp.num-1] : \"N/A\" }} | \r\n
Leader Action Clusters | \r\nActions for which your Overall Score is 6.5 or higher and at least 1.5 points higher than your Self Score | \r\nSelf | \r\nOverall Score | \r\n
{{ unexStrength.label }} | \r\n\r\n {{ unexStrength.num }}. {{ unexStrength.text }}\r\n | \r\n{{ unexStrength.selfScore }} | \r\n{{ unexStrength.compositeScore }} | \r\n
Leader Action Clusters | \r\nActions for which your Overall Score is at least 3 points lower than your Self Score | \r\nSelf | \r\nOverall Score | \r\n
{{ blindSpot.label }} | \r\n\r\n {{ blindSpot.num }}. {{ blindSpot.text }}\r\n | \r\n{{ blindSpot.selfScore }} | \r\n{{ blindSpot.compositeScore }} | \r\n
1) List three critical strengths that you think this person brings to school leadership.
\r\n1) List three ways you think this person can improve their performance as a school leader.
\r\n{{ clusterTitle }}
\r\nAchievement: The drive and actions to set challenging goals and reach a high standard of performance despite barriers.
\r\nMonitoring & Directiveness: The ability to set clear expectations and to hold others accountable for performance.
\r\nPlanning Ahead: A bias towards planning in order to derive future benefits or to avoid problems.
\r\nImpact and Influence: Acting with the purpose of affecting the perceptions, thinking, and actions of others.
\r\nTeam Leadership: Assuming authoritative leadership of a group for the benefit of the organization.
\r\nConceptual and Analytical Thinking: The ability to break things down in a logical way and to recognize cause and effect. The ability to see patterns and links among seemingly unrelated things.
\r\nSelf-Confidence: A personal belief in one's ability to accomplish tasks and the actions that reflect that belief.
\r\nAction Clusters | \r\nPrimary Competencies | \r\n
\r\n Focus on a Few Early Wins:\r\n
| \r\n \r\n \r\n
| \r\n
\r\n Lead a Turnaround Campaign:\r\n
| \r\n \r\n \r\n
| \r\n
\r\n Get the Right Staff; Right the Remainder:\r\n
| \r\n \r\n
| \r\n
\r\n Drive Decisions with Open-Air Data:\r\n
| \r\n \r\n
| \r\n
\r\n Break Organizational Norms:\r\n
| \r\n \r\n
| \r\n
\r\n Do What Works; Raise the Bar:\r\n
| \r\n \r\n
| \r\n
Participants | \r\n% Complete | \r\nLast Emailed | \r\nSurvey End | \r\n
Leader | \r\n\r\n | \r\n | \r\n |
{{ survey.fullName }} {{ survey.email }} | \r\n{{ survey.progressPercent }}% | \r\n{{ survey.lastEmailed }} | \r\n{{ survey.surveyEnd }} | \r\n
There are no leaders assigned. | \r\n|||
Supervisor | \r\n\r\n | \r\n | \r\n |
{{ survey.fullName }} {{ survey.email }} | \r\n{{ survey.progressPercent }}% | \r\n{{ survey.lastEmailed }} | \r\n{{ survey.surveyEnd }} | \r\n
There are no supervisors assigned. | \r\n|||
Teachers and Staff | \r\n\r\n | \r\n | \r\n |
{{ survey.fullName }} {{ survey.email }} | \r\n{{ survey.progressPercent }}% | \r\n{{ survey.lastEmailed }} | \r\n{{ survey.surveyEnd }} | \r\n
There are no teachers assigned. | \r\n|||
Leadership Team Members | \r\n\r\n | \r\n | \r\n |
{{ survey.fullName }} {{ survey.email }} | \r\n{{ survey.progressPercent }}% | \r\n{{ survey.lastEmailed }} | \r\n{{ survey.surveyEnd }} | \r\n
There are no leadership team members assigned. | \r\n
\r\n Education Service Center Region 13 (ESC 13) is one of twenty service centers that serve Texas' educational needs.\r\n We are a non-regulatory agency that collaborates with schools and communities to promote quality instruction in order to maximize student performance.\r\n We serve as a liaison between the Texas Education Agency and local school districts and campuses by disseminating information, conducting training,\r\n and providing consultation for both federal and state programs.\r\n
\r\n\r\n ESC 13 provides professional development in areas such as technology, bilingual education, special education, gifted/talented education,\r\n and programs for at-risk students. We offer consultation and support in the areas listed above as well as school improvement and special services.\r\n In addition, we have developed and have available alternative teacher, principal and superintendent certification programs.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Public Impact's mission is to dramatically improve learning outcomes for all children in the U.S., with a special focus on students who are not served well.\r\n Our work is designed to contribute to dramatic improvements in the quality of education and related policy supports in the United States.\r\n We are a team of professionals from many backgrounds, including former teachers. We are researchers, thought leaders, policy experts, tool-builders,\r\n and on-the-ground consultants who work with leading education reformers. In response to the challenge of turning around chronically low-performing schools,\r\n Public Impact develops tools and provides technical assistance to states, districts, and schools.\r\n
\r\n\r\n Education Service Center Region 13 and Public Impact collaborated to develop a tool to support turnaround school leaders in their professional growth.\r\n The partnership utilizes Public Impact's research on turnaround leader competencies and actions with ESC 13's technical expertise to create\r\n the Turnaround Leader 360 Feedback Assessment. The tool is designed to provide developmental feedback on the degree to which a school leader\r\n demonstrates research-based turnaround leader actions and competencies. The feedback is based on perceptions of a select group of direct reports,\r\n peers, a supervisor, and the leader's self-assessment.\r\n
\r\nIf you have technical questions, questions about the process and content of the survey, or if you have lost your password, please contact:
\r\n\r\n The Turnaround Leader 360 Feedback Assessment was developed as a partnership between Education Service Center Region 13\r\n and Public Impact.\r\n
\r\n Erin Midgley Romero
\r\n Director: Special Projects
\r\n Education Service Center Region 13
\r\n Millie Klein
\r\n Chief Deputy Executive Director
\r\n Education Service Center Region 13
\r\n Tim Field
\r\n Senior Consultant
\r\n Public Impact
0\" v-bind:class=\"[(searchUserFail==true) ? 'warning' : 'notice']\">{{ searchMessage }}
\r\n0\">{{ manageMessage }}
\r\nName | \r\nRole | \r\nUsername | \r\nPurchaser / Leader | \r\nAccount Created | \r\nActions | \r\n||
{{ user.fullName }} | \r\n{{ user.role }} | \r\n{{ user.username }} | \r\n{{ user.email }} | \r\n{{ user.purchaser }} | \r\n{{ user.leader }} | \r\n{{ user.dateCreated }} | \r\n\r\n \r\n | \r\n
{{ warning }}
\r\nYour new username is: {{ userName }}
\r\nYour new password is: {{ password }}
\r\nPlease make note of your username and password and secure them in a safe place.
\r\n\r\n \r\n If you have been invited to be a participant in the T360 system but did not receive a welcome email with your username and password, you may have received a token instead.\r\n You can enter your email address and token here to get your new login credentials. The email address must match the address your leader or administrator signed you up with.\r\n \r\n